
Visual Collab: Blossom

Children's Lifestyle

Visual Set: Orchid

Pt 1. Orchid in the Garden, Soul:  @jayamarie91.

Pt 2. Orchid in the Jungle

Visual Set: Motel Love&Light

Soul: @jayamarie91

Visual Series: Tainted Smile

Tainted Smile Series with the souls of NxkoLegacy.com@theegokillas,

@senseiiispal, @saysukii@jayamarie91@souldreamin

Created with digital photos of damaged and worn family prints from the '60s and combined with modern day smiling portraits taken by Soul Dreamin.

It can be easily said that the concept behind this series is that everyone has a story and a past, you never really know what someone has been through or is going through especially when they wear a smile everyday but really underneath....

So with coming to understand that everyone has their own struggle and we all go through events in our lives that leave us scarred, damaged, and conditioned, I wanted to merge these bleeding ink prints that tell they own stories with the faces of stories I am familiar with.

These experiences can leave you with ghosts that haunt you and an imprint of demons that don't stop chasing you until...

Until you get through the darkness and come to light and understand that none of those experiences are you. They don't define you nor do they belong to you.

So Smile freely, smile happily, and yea, smile through it all.

Visual Set: Soul

Soul was created with the beautiful @viajessie . We meet in Wynwood and we connected over Spal art. I knew I had to capture her before she continued her travels so with the spirit of a true ancient gyspy, we linked at the Standard Hotel and enjoyed an evening of rain, herb and photography.

Visual Set: Feliz Cumpleaños After Party

Feliz Cumpleaños After Party with the soul of yours truly and photographed by @indigenous_empress

I wanted to express my feelings of my childhood. 

Growing up in a Dominican family there were always parties to celebrate birthdays and with that comes a lot of fun and dancing but also a lot of  drinking and eventually drama.

I remember always being the one crying while my sisters held me. I remember always being took to the room but being curious creatures we will sneak out and catch a peek of drama which including knives, police, bottles and blood.


"Their collaborative work includes Soul Dreamin’s landscapes and city nooks overlaid with SpalSpal’s beautifully tattered line formations.  The different pockets of nature that she captures sets the tone for the characters that fall upon the page from SpalSpal’s mind. The two create magical mashups."

                                                     -UrbnFresh.com Art of Miami Series

Soul(Dreamin)Spal(S.pread P.eace A.nd L.ove) = Spread Peace and Love while livin' your Souls' Dream, is a concept made by photographer Yogi Taji and painter Mikal Perez. 

For more of his work, shop through his Art

Drawing on the Door Series, photographed 2016 in Wynwood. I followed Spal as he went around leaving pieces of his art.

Visual Set: @thelightshow

Soul: @kinghimvicente